These words characterized me. I fought with myself all the time, I fought a constant battle to come out.
As a young child I was bullied and bullied. That's because to those around me I was always a freak,
Weird because I've always been emotional, because emotions have driven me all my life. My childhood was not easy and I always experienced a lot of pain and suffering.
I know, what I'm writing now is not exactly what you expect. But I tell you these thoughts to understand how the last year has changed me, this year that I worked for Agincare, I write these lines to understand how much I have evolved in one year.
This is me a year ago, it was the day that changed my life completely. It all started with an interview, that interview that revealed to me that life can change, all you have to do is really want it to. I was always open to everything new and even if I was gripped by severe anxiety, I chose to try and fight it. So I chose to leave the country from a simple interview.
God how hard it was... to start a new chapter in my life, to overcome my fears, village rec over anxiety and depression.
Here I was for the first time in uniform, proud of my uniform. So proud that I could learn new things, so proud that I could meet new people, even though these thoughts scared me very badly.
I started slowly, slowly to meet new people, to make new friends and to understand that I had to open up and let people into my soul.
It's already been 6 months since I started working for Agincare. In these 6 months I have managed to open up and let people into my life. In these months I have managed to know myself, to get over anxiety and to become a better person, a person who wants to grow. And how much I have changed, I am always smiling, my heart always jumps in my chest with joy.
And now after a year I managed to be me. To be the person I am today. In one year, having this job has helped me overcome my fears, it has helped me grow personally and professionally, it has helped me by the simple fact that I have met wonderful new people to grow and get to know myself. The fact that I had the support of the colleges, the fact that I saw the real suffering I managed to get over my pain, I managed to learn from the past and live in the present just helped me to think about the future.
I am deeply grateful to you, my colleagues and friends, thank you for your support and trust.
I can only say this: "Nos vitam, nostrum bene agimus" (let us live our lives well).