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  • Writer's picturemariuscristinel1

A new chapter

My dear all,

Time goes by so fast, I never get to write anything, I never get to tell you anything. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I haven't spoken to you, felt you and loved you.

You see, so much has happened in such a short time.

Maybe even now I couldn't find the time to write to you, but the need to write and to tell you about it, forces me to write to you.

As I have always said, I am not very good at talking, but at least I think I am better at writing.

A lot has happened... my soul has been sad, but also happy. Sad because I left my family in Devon, but happy because I found another family here in Surrey.

A new chapter has begun in my life, a new adventure with ups and downs.

It's the middle of the night and my soul is still trembling with joy when I think of today. It may seem like an ordinary day to you, but it wasn't to me. Today I was invited by my colleagues at the hospital to take part in something nice, to take part in a family reunion. Because yes, they are like family.

What joy, what happiness and what smiles I saw today.

But most importantly, they treated me like a member of their family. They didn't make any difference, it didn't matter that I'm not English, it didn't matter that I'm new, it only mattered the joy and happiness.

Thank you my darlings, thank you for this beautiful day, thank you for the warm welcome , for your kindess, because you chose to treating me as your equal.

When you work with love everything is easier. The days pass, but the memories remain, as this memory will always remain alive in my soul, and that only thanks to you. You're a wonderful team and I hope we'll remain Surrey family for a long time.

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